People who make their own rules when they know they're right.people who get a special pleasure out of doing something well (even if only for themselves).people who know there's more to this whole living thing than meets the eye: they'll be with Jonathan Seagull all the way. Others may simply escape into a delightful adventure about freedom and flight. Either way it's an uncommon treat.
800 วรรณกรรม วรรณคดี
020 A - ISBN
245 A - Title
100 A - Author
520 A - Description
300 A - Total pages
350 A - Price
050 A - Call no.1: Classification no.
050 B - Call no.2: Author ID
050 B - Call no.3: Publish year
250 A - Edition
260 B - Publisher
856 6 - Location
650 A - Subject